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Our services include - All Wall and Floor Tiling, Italian Style tiling, Screeding, Waterproofing/Membranes, Splashbacks renovation, Basic Plumbing, Mosaics, Feature Wall etc.

All Wall and Floor Tiling

All Wall and Floor Tiling Services by Gemstone Tiling
All Wall and Floor Tiling
We offer several tile types and you can choose from a host of different tile types and colours. There are several paths to carve a floor space and the wall space. You can create a fascinating checkerboard effect or invite your home to take a natural look.
Whether you choose hard tiles, like ceramic, marble, terracotta or stone, or the softer finish of vinyl or cork, you'll find a lot of decorative and practical advantages over other forms of floor and wall covering for tiled surfaces. Tiles are divided roughly into two categories:
Hard finish includes ceramic, terra cotta, quarry, slate, stone, marble, and terrazzo, offering a vast choice of color, texture, and finish. On the whole more expensive and trickier to lay than soft finish tiles, these are nevertheless the most durable options – some, such as terra cotta, will last a lifetime and more, and even improve with age.


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